Cranio-Facial-Universe and Morpho-Functional-Mandibular Rehabilitation 1

Posted on: 23 novembre 2015 by in Non classé
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Cranio-Facial-Universe and Morpho-Functional-Mandibular Rehabilitation 1

Several questions about the masticatory system and Temporo-Mandibualr-Joint ?

What is « Normal » , physiological, functional ?

Dysfunction is a bad feature, but what is an adaptation, a pathology ?

What we are dealing ? Slam , pain, locking , deviation, symmetrical case , unbalanced …?

What is the mode of action of our therapeutic devices; multi -attachments , dentures, occlusal splints , posturology …

and our  treatments can they be iatrogenic ?

The mandible especially complicates diagnosis and treatment !!

Inspired by the everyday practice Doctor Philippe Harb presents, after twenty years of basic, clinical and radiographics (scanners, MRI), using uniques images and videos by 3D animation :

  •  The CFU is a Platform for Research, Education and Conceptualization ; Anatomy, Function, Dysfunctions , Diagnostics and Treatments masticatory apparatus : Equilibration , prostheses , ODF , occlusodontics , surgery, posturology …logo_CranioFacialUniverse_10062014

The Morpho – Functional Mandibular Rehabilitation (MFMR)

  • From the CFU, subscribe to the formation of a new concept, functional and gnathological, diagnosis and treatment of cranio-Mandibular relationships  : The Morpho – Functional Mandibular Rehabilitation (MFMR).


Concern the dental world

Occlusodontists , orthodontists , dentists , speech therapists, stomatologists , maxillo-facial surgeons , physiotherapists, osteopaths , rheumatologists , otolaryngologists, pediatric …